Lakeshore Lutheran Fellowship
16790 Van Wagoner Rd, Spring Lake, MI 49456

Lakeshore eNews - Print


Altar Flowers

Sunday, February 23rd - Given by Michelle Hunter in loving memory of her father. 

Sunday, March 2nd - Given by Tom & Sandy Christmas to the Glory of God!

Altar Flower Sponsorships are now available for 2025. Please stop by the Information Center to sign-up. 



Our Nursery is staffed on Sunday mornings. The room is also open for parents to change diapers or to have a place to nurse while still being able to listen to the sermon via the in-room speaker system. If you have any questions or concerns, please connect with Shannon Johnson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Kidz Connection

Kidz Connection meets Sundays for PK-5th grade following praise songs. Kids should attend worship until the songs are done, then Pastor will release them to join in the ARK for Kidz Connection. (Activity bags will still be available for kids that want to stay in worship with their families.)

Questions, please see Shannon Johnson.


Worship Service Live Streaming

Check us out on Facebook! We have our sermons posted LIVE there on Sunday mornings! You can also "Like" Lakeshore Fellowship on Facebook to receive notifications when we post LIVE!

We now also have YouTube live streaming as well and can be found at this link.


Scrip sales in 2024 earned LLF over $2,000! Those funds were just directed toward our Facility Projects for future large-ticket repair items, such as a furnace. We are very grateful to the program leader, Dana Saunders, for managing Scrip! We also greatly appreciate those who support this ministry by purchasing the gift cards! If you would like to know more about this program, stop by the Information Center some Sunday to talk with Dana!

Here's the Scoop...Buying Scrip helps us earn free money! 
Scrip allows us to order cards from thousands of merchants locally and nationally! You pay nothing extra for the cards, but a small profit from the sale of each card stays at Lakeshore.
Scrip will be available on Sundays following service (in the Atrium) and in the church office on Mondays thru Thursdays from 9 am-2 pm.
(Reminder: Scrip purchases can also be made online at If you are new to online scrip ordering, please contact Dana Saunders at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to receive Lakeshore's enrollment code.)



NYG Fundraising...Cans & Bottles (returnables)

Our youth are preparing to attend NYG in July. To help them raise the necessary funds, we invite you to participate in donating your returnable pop cans and bottles. Simply gather your returnables and bring them to the church entry area. Thank you!  



Youth Fundraising - M&M's Minis are back!

Please help support our youth as they continue to raise funds to attend the National Youth Gathering in July 2025! M&M's Minis are back! Stop by the Information Center to pick up your candy containers, enjoy the chocolates, then fill the container with your donations (paper money, quarters or checks), and return the container to Shannon Johnson. Thank you!

Confirmation Classes

Confirmation classes are for students (7th thru 12th grade) who desire to learn more about Jesus and following Him. 

Pastor Chris will teach the basics of the Christian faith from the Bible along with Luther's Small Catechism and what it means to follow Jesus as members of His church. At the end of the process students will have the opportunity to publicly confirm their baptismal faith as they pledge their lives to Jesus as Lord.

Remaining class dates are as follows:  Mar. 2, Mar. 30, and Apr. 27. Confirmation Sunday will be on Sunday, May 18, 2025. 


CREW Breakfast Club

High School Breakfast Club meets every Sunday at 9:30 am! All high schoolers AND COLLEGE STUDENTS welcome to join us in the Youth Room! Questions, see Shannon Johnson.   

CREW Middle/High school

CREW (Middle & High School Ministry) meets weekly on Sundays, following service until 1:30 pm. Free lunch provided. Meet in the Youth Room.

Women's Craft Day - March 1st

Calling all women who like to "craft"! Join us on Saturday, March 1st from 1-4 pm for an afternoon of fun & crafting! We will be creating more "ladder squares"! Sign-ups will begin later in February...but please mark your calendars NOW for this event! Any questions, please connect with the office. 

Women's Fellowship Hour

Women’s Fellowship Hour is open to all women on Wednesdays in the Prayer Room at 1 pm. Come spend time together in community with other Christian women to support each other and to pray. Questions? Please connect with Vicki Deater at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  

Women's 4- Week Winter Bible Study - Ephesians

Join us for the Women's Bible Study on Ephesians. The group will meet for 4 consecutive weeks on Monday evenings in February, 6:30-8 pm in the Prayer Room! The study will cover chapters 5-8 in the book; Ephesians: Building a Community in Christ by John Stott

Men's Huddle

Every Thursday morning from 8:30-9:30 am, a great group of guys meet for a time of coffee, fellowship, prayer and projects. They make sure the baptismal font is filled, the candles are set for Sunday, chairs/tables are managed as needed and various other small tasks. Once completed, they meet for a time of fellowship and prayer. This group is open for any man that would like to join. Any questions, please connect with Randy Deater at 616-402-5248.

Men's Prayer Breakfast and Bible Study

Meets every second Saturday of the month in the Atrium. Come anytime between 7–7:30 am for breakfast and then 7:30-8:30 am is the study & prayer time. All men are welcome to join March 8th! Any questions, please call Randy Deater at 616-402-5248.



Youth Servants

Our youth will attending the National Youth Gathering in July of 2025. They are currently all looking for ways to fundraise! One way you can help, is to "hire a youth" to manage a job at your home, such as rake leaves, shovel snow, clean-up the yard, decorate your house for holidays, etc. Then, when services are completed, you are asked to donate to the NYG Youth Account on behalf of the student. If you are interested in this program, please connect directly with the youth's parent. Students that are attending include; Bellamie D., Brody D., Mikayla B., Logann M., Austin D., Alivia H., and Alex H. If you need help identifying a parent, please connect with the church office. Any and All payments are to be made out to Lakeshore Lutheran Fellowship with the youth's name in the memo section (or if cash, needs to be given to Joe Kovacs, Shannon Johnson or Jayne Platz ONLY). 

Household Necessity Pantry

The Household Necessities Pantry (HNP) giveaways remaining in 2025 will be on Saturdays; June 14, August 9, October 11, and December 13.
The HNP giveaways help our local community that is in need of personal care items. If you would like to donate toward this much needed outreach, please bring in any of the following items: Shampoo, Conditioner, Liquid Dish Soap, Toothpaste, Laundry Detergent (50+ oz liquid), Spray-Household Cleaner, Deodorant, Toilet Paper (6 pack) & Trash Bags (13 gallon), Bar soap and ToothbrushesTo volunteer, please connect with Randy or Vicki Deater at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 616-402-5248. 




Lakeshore's Weekly Prayer Theme.

Prayer of the Week (5th Sunday in Epiphany)

 Gracious Lord, you call and appoint us to proclaim the Good News of your Son despite our sins and weaknesses. Purify us by your grace, remove our uncertainties, and work through us to fill the nets of your kingdom with those lost in the darkness of death; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

Remember in Your Prayers

  • Pray for those who are suffering from colds, viruses & flu. 
  • Pray for Joreen Foupht who has been ill with pneumonia.
  • Prayers for healing following Hip Replacement surgery (2/10/25) for Mary Lou Gibbs (mother of Pastor Mark Gibbs)
  • Prayers for healing for Carol McFall who is home recovering from a fall that bruised her ribs and injured her arm/elbow. 
  • Continued prayers for those recovering from recent surgeries... Bill Long, Clare Bush, Paul Beuschel, Steve Dekkenga, Sandy Grey and Joe Kovacs.

Prayer requests above come from our members via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or phone (616-846-8556). 

Lakeshore Lutheran Fellowship greatly values the power of prayer by encouraging members to pray for each other! If you desire to pray for others, please request to be added to the PRAYER LINE by emailing Bonnie Pendell at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Are you going into the hospital for surgery? Are you experiencing a crisis in your life? Do you need pastoral care? If you would like an Elder, Deaconess, or Pastor Chris to contact you, please connect with the church office (616-846-8556 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). 


Prayer Requests and Praises

Lakeshore's Weekly Prayer Theme.

Prayer of the Week (5th Sunday in Epiphany)

 Gracious Lord, you call and appoint us to proclaim the Good News of your Son despite our sins and weaknesses. Purify us by your grace, remove our uncertainties, and work through us to fill the nets of your kingdom with those lost in the darkness of death; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

Remember in Your Prayers

  • Pray for those who are suffering from colds, viruses & flu. 
  • Pray for Joreen Foupht who has been ill with pneumonia.
  • Prayers for healing following Hip Replacement surgery (2/10/25) for Mary Lou Gibbs (mother of Pastor Mark Gibbs)
  • Prayers for healing for Carol McFall who is home recovering from a fall that bruised her ribs and injured her arm/elbow. 
  • Continued prayers for those recovering from recent surgeries... Bill Long, Clare Bush, Paul Beuschel, Steve Dekkenga, Sandy Grey and Joe Kovacs.

Prayer requests above come from our members via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or phone (616-846-8556). 

Lakeshore Lutheran Fellowship greatly values the power of prayer by encouraging members to pray for each other! If you desire to pray for others, please request to be added to the PRAYER LINE by emailing Bonnie Pendell at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Are you going into the hospital for surgery? Are you experiencing a crisis in your life? Do you need pastoral care? If you would like an Elder, Deaconess, or Pastor Chris to contact you, please connect with the church office (616-846-8556 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). 


The Lord's Business (Finances)

Weekly Financial Report

2025 Giving Envelopes are now available at the Information Center

Did you know...Individuals age 70 1/2 and older may make gifts directly from their IRA? And, individuals age 73 and older must take "required minimum distributions" from their IRA each year! With the IRA charitable rollover, individuals can transfer up to $100,000 per year directly to charity and satisfy the required minimum distribution. If you are interested in blessing Lakeshore Lutheran Fellowship with a charitable distribution from your IRA, with the added benefit of possibly reducing your income taxes, please contact the church office or your personal IRA account representative.

Month to Date (2/1/25 thru 2/10/25)

  • General Fund - Month contributions so far in February $27,732.00
  • Renew Fund - Month contributions so far in February $315.00

Year to Date (YTD) 2024
General Fund Giving (January thru December 2024) $438,729.81
General Fund Expenses (January thru December 2024) $427,534.16


If you would like to give electronically, by utilizing our Vanco App...scan this QR code to get started.


Other News

Governance Ministry Board meetings

Did you know that our Governance Ministry Board meetings happen monthly on the 2nd Tuesday at 6:30 pm. Anyone is welcome to attend a meeting, but you first need to alert the Chairperson, one week prior to the meeting, letting them know what your concerns might be and how much time you may require at the meeting. Any questions, please call our church office at 616-846-8556. No meeting in January. Next meeting is on February 11th. 


Our Lost & Found bin is located at the Information Center.

Anniversaries and Birthdays (shared monthly)

Note: If your anniversary or birthday is missing from this list, please update the church office. Thank you!  


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