Our youth are preparing to attend NYG in July. To help them raise the necessary funds, we invite you to participate in donating your returnable pop cans and bottles. Simply gather your returnables and bring them to the church entry area. Thank you!
Lakeshore Lutheran Fellowship
16790 Van Wagoner Rd, Spring Lake, MI 49456
Our youth are preparing to attend NYG in July. To help them raise the necessary funds, we invite you to participate in donating your returnable pop cans and bottles. Simply gather your returnables and bring them to the church entry area. Thank you!
Please help support our youth as they continue to raise funds to attend the National Youth Gathering in July 2025! M&M's Minis are back! Stop by the Information Center to pick up your candy containers, enjoy the chocolates, then fill the container with your donations (paper money, quarters or checks), and return the container to Shannon Johnson. Thank you!
Confirmation classes are for students (7th thru 12th grade) who desire to learn more about Jesus and following Him.
Pastor Chris will teach the basics of the Christian faith from the Bible along with Luther's Small Catechism and what it means to follow Jesus as members of His church. At the end of the process students will have the opportunity to publicly confirm their baptismal faith as they pledge their lives to Jesus as Lord.
Remaining class dates are as follows: Jan. 26, Feb. 9, Mar. 2, Mar. 30, and Apr. 27. Confirmation Sunday will be on Sunday, May 18, 2025.
High School Breakfast Club meets every Sunday at 9:30 am! All high schoolers AND COLLEGE STUDENTS welcome to join us in the Youth Room! Questions, see Shannon Johnson.
CREW (Middle & High School Ministry) meets weekly on Sundays, following service until 1:30 pm. Free lunch provided. Meet in the Youth Room.
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